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- > Marketing toolkit for international centres
Understanding our qualifications
Marketing toolkit for international centres
We're here to support you with recruiting new candidates and promoting our qualifications with the marketing toolkit.
The marketing toolkit provides you with a wide range of authorised and downloadable marketing materials for BTEC and Pearson Edexcel for you to use in your centres. You can download and print any of the materials from the marketing toolkit to help promote Pearson Edexcel and BTEC to your students, parents or teachers.
Pearson's marketing toolkit
- Presentations, brochures and video content providing useful background information on Pearson Edexcel and BTEC qualifications.
- Detailed qualifications and subject content which you may find helpful for internal staff training and answering detailed questions from parents and students.
- Essential guidance on how to use our logos and branding in your student recruitment.
- Student- and parent-focused marketing material that can be incorporated into your marketing activities immediately.
Understanding our qualifications
- Our qualifications explained
- Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF)
- Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF)
- European Qualifications Framework (EQF)
- Where can I take Pearson qualification exams? (Private candidates only)
- Achieving your learning and career goals
- Comparing BTEC to other qualifications
- Find an international centre
- Policies for centres, learners and employees
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